USA composer Lawrence Kramer has just completed 'At the Crossroads' for the Basso Moderno Duo. Kramer is a professor at Fordham University, co-editor of the journal 19th-Century Music and has authored many books on music including: Why Classical Music Still Matters (2007).
Of the work Kramer writes:
"The crossroads is the traditional site for fateful encounters and fateful decisions, from the Oedipus of Sophocles to the speaker of Robert Frost’s 'The Road Not Taken.' My piece 'At the Crossroads' seeks to evoke the drama of the crossroads in compressed musical form. (What happens at the crossroads happens quickly.) The music begins with the double bass and piano in very different frames of mind, but the two instruments gradually unite, part again, and reconcile—a process made possible here by the expanded expressive range of the double bass in high solo tuning".
The premiere will take place on October 22, 2008 at Fordham University.
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